
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Phone – Phablet – Tablet….

The era of technology is not running quite the way I had always thought it would. Some of the thoughts were influenced by Hollywood movies, I know, but still! I still have my innocent fingers crossed for a world that would be simulation driven and I would not really have to go anywhere to get anything done – technology would take care of everything. Food would be synthesized from basic element cartridges through a food printer of sorts, To go to work, I would essentially need to put on a headset within a virtual office simulation and so on. However, the current phone – phablet – tablet battle seems to be stalling the progress of technology quite significantly.

Apple made the iPhone and the iPad. And then Google made the android that got adopted to making competitive phones smarter. Now that was the time when we should have started focusing on the next breakthrough! Instead Samsung, Apple, HTC. Motorola and the zillion other knock-off fighters are going from different sizes to shapes to widths. Bigger phone, smaller tablet, smarter device, longer battery, HD, SD, 8 MP, 12 MP and so on and so forth we battle on. We can dock it in the car, into our pockets and carry the world around on it and the cloud. I have stopped getting impressed and will not till my iPad can drive my car! iPhone (n+1) or the Android Potato Salad (or whatever) will, I think, not be the the incremental value of the crores spent on advertising!

WHAT’s NEXT!? And to answer that question, all we have are tales and PR stories around 3D printers, Google Glass and etc. etc. Nothing really is earth shattering, that can fundamentally alter human beliefs and change the way we live anymore. If I get to see only one earth shattering innovation in a lifetime, that I can afford, I am pretty much like my grandfather who saw TV and my great grandfather who was amazed by electricity!! Where are flying cars and shuttle rides to the moon? affordable ones – all I can see is struggles to make the hybrid work feasibly!

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