
Monday, July 23, 2012

The pain of sunshine in the monsoons….

It has been cloudy and drizzly for over a week now and almost everyone has traversed from being overjoyed that the rains have finally arrived to being irritated with the incessant drizzling, mud & grime covered roads and never to be forgotten, the traffic. And when the complaining and whining of the mortals gets excessive, the Rain God colludes with the Sun God to give us the worst of banes – a warm sunny day; all the moisture that has seeped through our existence from the earth below our feet to the ceilings above our heads suddenly evaporate and manifests itself as humidity. It is almost punishing to be sweating through every pore in the body (scientists will tell you that it is good to sweat) and FMCG companies selling soaps and deodorants cry out in delight, but for the others it is a nightmare of stickiness and wet shirts – and I can almost say with confidence that a shirt washed in rain water is comparatively the lesser of two evils.

Today is one such day when the Gods have deemed fit to diminish the pleasure and complaining of the human sinners by taking away the heavy clouds and the winds and give us what we want – sunshine instead of rains. And with it a near 100% humidity. By the end of the day I am sure that the mailbox of the heavens shall again be flooded with requests for the misty wind-filled showers that, wet as they may be, are better off that the shower of bodily fluids through the corners and plains of the skin.

One day of sweat humid drenching sunshine is all I can bare – now let’s have some more rains….

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