
Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Vote Wisely...

Been a long time and frankly for a bit, I was out of things to say. But the recent political environment and the basis for public political opinions has depressed me quite a bit. Of the many things that have left me quite dumbfounded, the complete lack of common sense and knowledge when it comes to economics has me really concerned. 

For all those who are voting or forming public opinion based on political rhetoric, get a reality check, please. Spend some time on this image below. 

For one, it is important to understand that the cost of running a country, providing services, maintaining a military, supporting and repairing the infrastructure, and all the other essential functions of government, is immensely expensive. Taxation, along with selling government bonds, assessing fees and imposing tariffs, are the principal means by which governments raise money to meet these expenses. Therefore we can either get low taxes, good quality of life and high cost of living or low taxes and poor quality of life or moderate taxes, moderate cost of living and all the good stuff like military security, improved infrastructure, better public education, better law and order, etc. 

Don't vote for anyone who says that they will reduce taxes, make everything cheaper and improve quality of public services and of life in general. It is not achievable and moreover not sustainable. 

Welfare states almost always fail! Huge budget deficits arising from endless subsidies always fail (we've been down that road). Deflation is BAD for the economy. 

Please google up some macro economics for dummies before you go out to vote...

Vote wisely...!

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