
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Leadership, Fanaticism, Terrorism, Stupidity.......

Mumbai came to a standstill. When was the last time I had seen a city come to such a standstill? I think that was during one of the many religious curfews in the past. All through the evening the news channels said that this was due to people paying their respects - hence all the shops were shut down. But then again there were continuous Police broadcasts to 'keep calm', 'stay indoors' and 'do not heed rumors'. Is it me or is it everyone who sees a contradiction?

Was this man a leader? Undoubtedly he was a leader. And a very influential at that. Was he leading for the right causes? I doubt that very much. A leader whose demise can bring a city to it's feet in terror of possible violence is not really what I'd call a patriot leading for the betterment of his country. Quite a few of the shop owners told me that all they really gave a shit was about not getting pelted for a cause that was not their own. So who turned up to his funeral? 20 - 30 lacs of people, no less. A friend of mine summed it up well "majority of the people were Biharis and Muslims who had turned up, just to make doubly sure."

In one interview this man had once said "if a peaceful solution cannot be reached, we must pick up arms!" Sure! But what for? To support regional reservations over merit. Now that seems rather anti progressive, does it not? I for one am a believer in ability and ambition. If you have it in you, you should not need to know a language or be from somewhere specific to survive and excel.

And the man who displayed his stupidity across the range, from joking about Kalam's hair and openly propagating meaningless violence was sent off in full National honours - gun salute, trumpets and everything. We really have become a nation without a spine!

This man was a leader no doubt; but he propagated fanaticism and terrorism as a solution to incompetence. And the number of people who turned up to his funeral to celebrate a life that was marked by the most unpatriotic agenda just goes to show the commonality of stupidity that is impeding this country from progress! I wish he takes his ways with him and his son and nephew do realize that the country needs more than religious and regional politicking to re-surge and prosper. And small wonder that the rift in direction is beginning to show.

This man's epitaph could have read "Here lies a man who led millions to a better future" and instead this epitaph will probably read "Here lies a man whose last rites kept millions indoor out of fear". A man who can inspire so many people with not much of an agenda, could have done so much more....    

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