Friday, April 13, 2012

I don't have anything against God...

I am prone, very often, to get into a discussion over the validity in the extreme euphoria surrounding the presence of God. I am not learned in the subject and by no means am I against the concept of God. For a universe the size of infinity, I am sure that there exists a race somewhere that must be all powerful compared to the destructive abilities we have achieve over a few thousand years of civility. And, by no means do I feel pity or disgust about those who believe in the existence of a power that is supreme and dedicate their life to it. But, that is a question of faith and belief and what you dedicate your life to; and herein lies my beef (or pork, or any meat or vegetable of your choosing and faith!) with the concept of God and associated religious beliefs.

Faith and belief are inherently very personal and not subject to external interpretation, judgement and contemplation. I, as any individual, have the right and (post the age of 5! Personally that was when I liked to think I developed the ability to think) to choose and practice what I believe in and anything that adds to the quality of my existence. Association of faith and beliefs to material rituals and habits by very nature reduces them to a rule bound and hence dependent set of feelings. As long as my faith and beliefs do not involve infringement on another's, I do not believe that these necessarily need to follow a particular set of 'divine laws'. Human laws are sufficient to guide moral conduct and abused concepts of enlightenment and repentance. Do I have to believe in a super-human power and worship what supposedly he (or she) has said to be able to decide that it is wrong to kill for profit, rape for pleasure and cheat. Or maybe it is not wrong!

The fundamental problem of religion and religious anything as I see it that it dictates a code based on very powerful fiction that is not based on scientific evidence or replicability and tries to manipulate the human mind with the awe. God is all knowing and all seeing, apparently and yet his justice is not immediate. I need to wait till Judgement Day to see thousands of 'impure spirit's (you know, your everyday politicians, scammers and definitely the spammers hitting my mailbox everyday) before they get punished. If there is a God of such nature who created man in his image and let's man spread such tyranny and  pain in the world, it does not speak very highly of his image, does it?

Just because some of our ancestors saw them heal and fly, it is not magic. My dad can heal (he is a doctor) and I can fly (in exchange for a lot of money but all the same)! To the primitive who has not been educated beyond the Bullock Cart, I can see why this might seem God-like but for the modern 'plugged-in' human this cannot justify blind faith that can convince him (or her) of anything. We will have teleportation and long distance space-travel soon enough unless we kill ourselves before we get there in the name of God and His religion. And then are we Gods or is there yet more to capture before we can be equals with our Gods? A wise man once said (oh! wait, that was me) that the meaning of life is for the idle mind; life is for the living.     


  1. Pulp fiction at best this endless debate about God or No God..
    On a slightly different note, Ancient Aliens has me totally glued. God or Alien!!!???

    1. Oh man! Ancient Aliens is one hell of a series! While at it, watch a series called Battlestar Gallactica - provides an interesting perspective.. Another one called Stargate SG1 - gives an interesting perspective on Gods...

  2. God is faith and if you have enough faith that you can control and define your destiny then you are your own God! The very fact that we still hope for things and live a life of uncertainty makes us human.

    1. Expected no less from you... :)

      So casically borrowing from "The very fact that we still hope for things and live a life of uncertainty makes us human" - the corollary is that God (assuming this entity is superior to humans) lives in certainty and without hope. That does not say a lot about...
